+44 (0)7976 047 377

Emma Pye

Driven Associate



Emma Pye

Emma Pye is a chartered environmentalist, a Fellow of the IEMA (Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment), a registered IEMA Auditor and has an MSc in Environmental Management for Business. 

With 20 years’ experience working within the construction, highways and quarrying sectors, she is highly experienced in building, implementing and managing environmental management systems, integrated management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001), carbon footprinting, waste management, water management, sustainability strategies, training development and auditing. Her knowledge, experience and vision provide support in a constantly changing environment, whilst still ensuring businesses manage their precious resources and look to be future-proof.

Emma is a passionate, enthusiastic and conscientious environmental and sustainability professional, whose insight into current and future global concerns are addressing the needs of forward-looking clients. Her successful track record of implementing and managing environmental change and improvement in the construction and quarrying industries is complementary to the world-class skills of The Driven Company, who provide a unique service.
